A few petitions to God have been replied from my 2017 Wish List: The black notebook with black pages Palomino HB was re-delivered and presently Field Notes has delivered a greater form of their scratchpad. They decided to re-plan the Pitch Black starting from the earliest stage, in any event, making an extraordinary duplex cover stock with French Paper Co., elite to Field Notes.
Do You Make These The Black Notebook Mistakes?
The Pitch Black currently comes in 2 sizes, “Update” and “Note”. Update is the exemplary pocket note pad size and Note is the greater Arts and Sciences-sized diary. Each size comes in 2 decisions, the Dot-Graph of the first Pitch Black and dominated. The managed is equivalent to the standard Field Notes administering, besides in dark rather than tan lines. This looks a piece odd against the Kraft inward covers, however that is just when you’re on the first or last page. To the extent that distinctions go, there aren’t numerous for the Memo size: the new duplex cover, a couple of changes to within covers, and the new Pitch Black logo on the back cover. The Note size has all the new stuff.
We should discuss this duplex cover
Dark outwardly, Kraft within. It sums in at 118#, which appears to be an unusual number. I’m thinking the dark side is greater and perhaps 100# and the rest is a slim facade of Kraft within. I could have that retrogressive. You can’t actually tell, however the look is marvelous. They changed the paunch band to a Kraft one too.
The greater the size, the more space for Draplin and Co. to mess with within covers. There is some cool stuff in the Pitch Black Note Book, including a light versus murkiness scale and a few hints and deceives to battle sleep deprivation or remain up throughout the evening. There is likewise a centimeter ruler on the front inside cover and the inch ruler in its standard put on the back inside cover (which is the way Utility ought to have been finished).
The paper inside is a similar standard 60# Finch Paper Opaque Smooth Bright White as the old Pitch Black and the Kraft. It plays out something similar, so there is no requirement for me to test it. The Memo is the standard 48 pages and the Note comes in at 64. The Memo is as yet 3 packs for $9.95 while the Note times in at 2 packs for $12.95.
This brings me to one of the issues I’ve been having with Field Notes lately: price. Recent quality issues aside, the price thing has stuck in my craw for a while now. I’m happy to see that they are keeping the Memo size at $9.95, and I would understand the Note size being $12.95 if it were for 3 books, but for 2? Seems steep, especially considering this is the smallest of all the entries of this size from their competitors. Baron Fig sells 3 Vanguard in their Flagship size for $12. They are bigger and the paper is more friendly to more writing instruments. Doing a little math, the Baron Fig costs 0.13¢ (that’s zero point 13 cents, not 13 cents) per square inch of paper while the new Pitch Black Note Book costs 0.28¢ per square inch of paper. Just to be fair, Write Notepads sells their Paper Journal in 2 packs for $15.99…but it’s also 80 pages and bigger than A5, coming in at 0.21¢ per square inch. Field Notes: I love these, but why so high? Or rather, why not three?
This carries me to one of the issues I’ve been having with Field Notes of late:
cost. Late quality issues to the side, the cost thing has stuck in my gizzard for some time now. I’m glad to see that they are keeping the Memo size at $9.95, and I could comprehend the Note size being $12.95 assuming it were for 3 books, however for 2? Appears to be steep, particularly taking into account this is the littlest of the multitude of sections of this size from their rivals.
Aristocrat Fig sells 3 Vanguard in their Flagship size for $12
They are greater and the paper is more well disposed to additional composing instruments. Doing a little math, the Baron Fig costs 0.13¢ (that is zero point 13 pennies, not 13 pennies) per square inch of paper while the new Pitch Black Note Book costs 0.28¢ per square inch of paper. Just to be fair, Write Notepads sells their Paper Journal in 2 packs for $15.99…but it’s likewise 80 pages and greater than A5, coming in at 0.21¢ per square inch. Field Notes: I love these, however why so high? Or on the other hand rather, why not three?
Eventually, on the off chance that you’re a Field Notes fan, The Black Products as am I, these are a welcome expansion to the setup. The expansion of governed likewise improve this a tad, however I envision chart paper fans are somewhat annoyed. At the point when these first sent off, I thought perhaps Pitch Black was a mix-up and they ought to have been left with the normal Kraft and done a major size there, however now that they’re close by, I truly think this was the better pick of the two. I might want to see them play in this size again in the Colors series.