i Love you in Japanese Language

Different Ways To Say I Love You In Japanese
“Did you say it? I love you in Japanese. I never want to live without you. You transformed me.” Did you say it?
Make an arrangement. Put forth an objective. Pursue it. However, every so often glance around.
Drink it in. Because, this is it. It might be generally gone tomorrow,” in Dark’s Life systems,
it makes you wonder exactly how important saying “I love you” to your precious ones is.
Words To Say I Love You in Japan
In Japan, saying those three little words, even between married couples, is not extremely normal.
They believe in action and being there for your loved ones as opposed to saying, “I love you Japanese“.
Nonetheless, hearing those three little words can make an individual’s day and life much better.
To realize that you are being loved can be one of the most amazing feelings you can feel.
Saying “I love you” in Japanese language, whether it’s to your Japanese dearest companion, family individuals,
or your life accomplice, has the ability to fortify your relationship with them.
What’s more, when it’s reciprocated, it can make you feel good inside, fill you with elation and brighten your life.
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How To Say Love In Japanese: Love And Its Related Words In Japanese
The translation of the word ‘love’ to Japanese is ‘ai’ (愛). ‘Koi’ (恋), likewise one more word for
‘love’, is simply the feeling, while ‘ai’ is utilized when one needs to communicate his/her love for somebody.
Now, let’s take a look at words that are related to ‘love’-
Admire in Japanese – Mederu (愛でる)
Affection in Japanese – Aijou (愛情)
Like in Japanese – Okiniiri (お気に入り)
Dear in Japanese – Shin’ainaru (親愛なる)
Passion in Japanese – Jōnetsu (情熱)
Fond in Japanese- Suki (好き)
Adore in Japanese – Sūhai shimasu (崇拝します)
Care in Japanese – Kea (ケア)
Sweetheart in Japanese – Koibito (恋人)
Lover in Japanese – Aijin (愛人)
Beauty in Japanese – Utsukushi-sa (美しさ)
7 Different Ways To Say I Love You In Japanese
- I love you – Aishitemasu (愛してます)
Express this to your Japanese loved ones, be it your closest companion or lover.
Let’s assume it however many times as could be expected under the circumstances and would not joke about this.
At the point when they answer to you with “Watashi mo itoshite iru yo (私も愛しているよ)”,
which mean “I love you as well” in Japanese, you will see exactly the way that superb it
feels to hear those words.
- I love you too – Watashi mo itoshite iru yo (私も愛しているよ)
When somebody lets you know the amount they love you, you’d need to reciprocate your feelings, right?
So how would you say “I love you as well” in Japanese? Indeed, you could go with
“Watashi mo itoshite iru yo (私も愛しているよ)”, which literally means “I love you as well” in English.
- I like you – Suki da (好きだ)
To your platonic friends, saying “Suki da” every once in a while will let them feel appreciated,
and they treasure your friendship even more. Or, if you have a new girlfriend or boyfriend and you are
not in the love stage yet, say “Suki da” followed by a “Shin’ainaru”, which means dear. And if you want
to emphasise how much you like them, say “Daisuki da (大好きだ), which translates to “I really like you”.
- I care about you – Anata o taisetsu ni omou (あなたを大切に思う)
Saying “Anata o taisetsu ni omou” is one more approach to showing your loved ones your affection.
Letting somebody realize that you care about them will cause them to feel special and fill their heart with joy.
If you are not prepared to say the “L” word to your accomplice, you can say “Anata o taisetsu ni omou”.
- I’m in love with you – Kimi ni koishite iru (君に恋している)
Telling somebody you love them and you are in love with them are two different things.
You can love somebody and not be in love with them. For instance, you can love your friends and have no
romantic feelings for them. Along these lines, any time you need to tell your Japanese significant
other that you are in love with them, you can say “Kimi ni koishite iru (君に恋している)”.
- You are the love of my life – Anata wa watashinojinsei no aidesu (あなたは私の人生の愛です)
At the point when you are totally and irredeemably in love with somebody, and they are the a great
many people in your life, it’s protected to say that that individual is the love of your life. If you have any
desire to let your Japanese accomplice know that they imply that much to you, you can say,
“Anata wa watashinojinsei no aidesu (あなたは私の人生の愛です)”.
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