Viparita Dandasana yoga reduces anxiety, the right way to do it, benefits and precautions

The name of this yogasana is far newer than other ancient yoga asanas ‘Viparita Dandasana’. Viparita Dandasana, is being practised by yogis all over the world today. This asana also gives all kinds of physical and mental benefits if practised regularly, so in this article I will give you information about what is Viparita Dandasana, benefits of doing Viparita Dandasana, the right way to do it, method and precautions.
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What Is Viparita Dandasana / Inverted Staff Pose?
Viparita Dandasana, is actually a Sanskrit word, this word is made up of three words, the first word ‘Viparita’ means inverted or the second word ‘Danda’ means There is a stick or (Staff). At the same time, the meaning of the third word ‘Asana’ is the posture, position or posture of sitting, lying or standing in a particular situation. In the English language, Viparita Dandasana is called Inverted Staff Pose.
Viparita Dandasana is considered to be an expert level or difficult asana. It is performed in the modern style of Hatha Yoga. It is recommended to do this for 30 to 60 seconds. It is repeated only once. By practising Viparita DandasanaHeel, Thighs, Shoulder, Shin, Hand, Back etc. is strong.
Whereas, by the practice of Viparita Dandasana Ankle, Navel, Groyne, Thighs, Shoulder, Lungs, Shin, neck muscles, Neck But the stretch comes.
Correct way to do Viparita Dandasana:
- Gradually increase the exercise to perform Vitrata Dandasana.
- Do not practice this asana in case of discomfort.
- Never put pressure on the shoulders or knees.
- Make sure that you have warmed up and your core muscles have been activated.
- If you feel discomfort or pain, do not put any pressure on yourself.
- Slowly stop practicing the asana and relax.
- For the first time, practice the asana under the supervision of a qualified yoga guru.
Step by Step Instructions:
- Lie down on the yoga mat in shavasana and slowly start bending the heels of both the feet.
- Bring the ankles under the knees.
- Both feet will be wider than the hips.
- Fold the hands and place the palms on the floor near the ears.
- The ends of the fingers will be towards your shoulder.
- Pause for a few seconds and balance the speed of the breath.
- While exhaling, bring the knees away from the torso.
- Keeping the pressure on the floor, lift the hips, shoulders and head in the air.
- Keep your hands firmly on the yoga mat.
- Extending the shoulder blades, apply pressure towards the tailbone.
- Try to shift the pressure of the hands to the shoulders.
- Bend the hands and place the head between the hands and feet.
- The chest will be raised and open.
- While exhaling, take one hand behind the head.
- Try to keep the weight of the body on the hands.
- Now take the other hand behind the head as well.
- Interlock the fingers of both the hands.
- While exhaling, lift the chest in the air.
- Now try to move the head towards the floor.
- While raising the head, apply pressure on the yoga mat with the ankles.
- The head will remain close to the floor, stay in this position.
- Now begin the process of carefully releasing the asana.
- Carefully bring the feet below the knee.
- Carefully lift the body with the help of hands and elbows.
- Raise the head and slowly bring the body down.
- The tailbone will touch the yoga mat last.
- Try to keep your breathing slow.
- Rest in shavasana for about 2 minutes.
Things to keep in mind before doing Viparita Dandasana (Important Notes):
- Viparita Dandasana should be practiced only in the morning, but if you are doing this asana in the evening, then it is important that you have eaten at least 4 to 6 hours before.
- It is also important to make sure that before doing the asana, you have defecate and the stomach is completely empty.
- What precautions should be taken in performing Vitrata Dandasana:
What precautions should be taken in performing Vitrata Dandasana:
- Do not do this asana in case of serious illness, diarrhea and asthma, and vice versa Dandasana should not be done if there is pain in the spine, neck.
- Do not raise your hand if there is a problem of shoulder pain and exercise only with the support of a wall if you have knee pain or arthritis.
- Heart and high blood pressure patients should not do this asana, first consult a doctor.
- In the beginning, do Viparita Dandasana only under the supervision of a yoga trainer, you can also do this asana yourself when balance is achieved.
Viparita Dandasana is a very good posture of yoga science, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Viparita Dandasana not only activates metabolism but also helps in stabilising your mind. Maintaining balance is the most important thing in today’s world. Viparita Dandasana helps to develop this quality related to creating balance in your body, to practise Viparita Dandasana, your legs and quadriceps should be strong enough to carry the weight of the whole body, first of all you have to work with your mind. You have to overcome the fear that you may not fall while practising, even if you fall, take a deep breath and praise yourself for the effort and practice again, to do this asana in the initial stages, ask a qualified yoga teacher to take guidance.